“Investování do úspěšných technologických společností je jeden z mála dostupných způsobů, jak svůj majetek ochránit a nadto ještě zhodnotit.”

uSky Transport establishes connections with Egypt

uSky Test & Certification Centre was visited by the representatives of business and investment circles of Egypt. The delegates from Cairo came to get acquainted with the unique uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology.

Delegations are just first stage of cooperation. At this moment there are already ongoing more than 5 – 10 targeted projects in different countries. They are not disclosed yet due to trade secrets. 


The Egyptian guests had been granted the opportunity to take a test ride in a safe and certified tropical uCar and visit the control room, where they got familiar with the software and hardware complex for supervisory control and data acquisition system.

A 6-seat high-speed electric vehicle uFlash was of particular interest to the visitors, especially for its paramount travel speed of 500 km/h. uFlash is designed for intercity and international commuting on uSky overpass with uSky rail serving as its core.

At the uSky Transport office, the delegates had the opportunity to observe the model of linear uCity with five operating uSky tracks, which made an indelible impression on the audience.

The esteemed guests watched the presentation of uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology and discussed the feasibility of implementing uSky cargo complexes in the capital of Egypt. It is cargo solutions that have become the object of the increased interest of visitors. Representatives of uSky Transport told the delegates in detail about the unique advantages of these complexes.

uSky cargo complexes can transport cargo up to 100 million tons per year and have several advantages over the conventional cargo transportation industry:

  • applicability in regions with difficult terrain that are hard to pass, water barriers, and massive buildings;
  • feasibility of track laying along the shortest path;
  • high environmental friendliness;
  • energy efficiency;
  • low costs for track structure;
  • full automation of loading and unloading operations, etc.

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The meeting ended in a friendly atmosphere, the guests expressed their gratitude for the interesting uSky tour and wished uSky Transport further promising development.



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